
This is the first Taiwanese indigenous literary history. The author believes the oral delivery of myths and legends represents the values and spirits of indigenous peoples. He collects and introduces indigenous legends and stories classified by themes and plots. He also reviews works of modern authors who inherit traditional cultures and spirits since 1895.

This book is the first work that collects, analyzes, and reviews indigenous literature systematically. It tells the process of indigenous literary production. Though it is written in Chinese, it thoroughly represents the spirits and thoughts of indigenous peoples of Taiwan.


Pasuya Poiconu

Pasuya Poiconu is from Ali Mountain Tsou tribe. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture University. He served as a professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Taipei Municipal University of Education, He was Deputy Minister of Council of Indigenous Peoples, and Director of National Museum of Prehistory. Currently, he is a Minister without Portfolio in the Examination Yuan. His works include The Expression of Narrative Oral Literature, The Cultures and Legends of the Tsou Tribe, The Fire of Kuba: Mythological Study on Taiwan Tsou Tribe, and The Forgotten Sacred Area.

Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)是本不錯的文學小說﹐買東西之前就是要貨比三家,到貨的速度還滿快的



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Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。


Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)誠意推薦給大家看喔!

  • 出版社:里仁書局


  • 出版日期:2012/12/01
  • 語言:英文






  • 出版社:里仁書局


  • 出版日期:2012/12/01
  • 語言:英文

This is the first Taiwanese indigenous literary history. The author believes the oral delivery of myths and legends represents the values and spirits of indigenous peoples. He collects and introduces indigenous legends and stories classified by themes and plots. He also reviews works of modern authors who inherit traditional cultures and spirits since 1895.

This book is the first work that collects, analyzes, and reviews indigenous literature systematically. It tells the process of indigenous literary production. Though it is written in Chinese, it thoroughly represents the spirits and thoughts of indigenous peoples of Taiwan.


Pasuya Poiconu

Pasuya Poiconu is from Ali Mountain Tsou tribe. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture University. He served as a professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Taipei Municipal University of Education, He was Deputy Minister of Council of Indigenous Peoples, and Director of National Museum of Prehistory. Currently, he is a Minister without Portfolio in the Examination Yuan. His works include The Expression of Narrative Oral Literature, The Cultures and Legends of the Tsou Tribe, The Fire of Kuba: Mythological Study on Taiwan Tsou Tribe, and The Forgotten Sacred Area.

Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)


Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)推薦,Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)討論Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)比較評比,Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)開箱文,Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)部落客

Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)
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Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (Volume I)



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